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Starting an Email Marketing Campaign with

starting an email marketing campaign

In this video, I will walk you over the process on starting an email marketing campaign with

With there is no need to connect any SMTP account as we provide an embedded SMTP service with your account.

One of the requirement to start your campaign is having a mailing list. I will be using google sheets to export the mailing list to a CSV file.

We export the file as SCV, save it at your computer and then go back to

At we press “Add Campaign” button and then enter a title for this campaign. For this example we will call the campaign “outreach”

The next process is to add your mailing list to the campaign. For this press at “add contact” and upload your CSV. Make sure to match all the fields. For the company name we are going to use “Custom field 1” You can add any other information to the rest of the custom fields.

Now we can proceed to create our email template. For this we go to Template section and you can choose to create a new template. For this demo we are going to choose to create a few sample templates and then edit it for our needs.

Once you have your template ready you can run the spam check. This process will review your email template searching for possible spam triggers.

One of the must important checks we do is the SPF check. The SPF check is related to the domain name of the email address of the sender. For more information on how to pass the SPF check you can follow our guide at the learn more link.

Following, we can save the template and then go back to campaign and you can now start sending to your list.

Finally, to send to your list just click on the switch at the left side of the campaign you want to run.

That’s it. Now you are sending to your contact list. Now you can start an email marketing campaign with

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