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How to Generate Sales Using Email Marketing

Generate sales with email marketing

It is undeniable that every company utilizes the power of email within their operation. However, very few businesses consider the ability to generate sales by using their email services efficiently. If you are new to the email marketing world, then it is time to see just what you are missing.

You can easily generate leads and sales by simply sending emails that leave the recipient enticed to the point that they want to do business with you. Below, we have discussed lead generation strategies as well as email marketing statistics to help you get a better understanding of how these services will benefit your company at very little cost to you.

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Email Marketing Statistics

According to Email Marketing statistics for 2019, about 269 billion emails were being sent and received daily. With so much online traffic and with a little effort, you can expand your list of clients. At the same time, you can keep them interested in your brand and the products you have to offer.

There is no need to spend large sums of money to boost awareness of your brand. Instead, consider working smarter versus harder to achieve quality advertisement with just a simple click of a button. Just remember to provide offers that the average consumer has a hard time saying no to such as free trials or samples of your product.

Types of Email Marketing emails

  • Emails that promote engagement such as welcome emails.
  • Emails that help and instruct subscribers in reference to the products you offer.
  • Case studies from customers that have used your product with success.
  • Stories about your brand deriving from your team versus customers.
  • Emails directed at re-engaging customers that have lost interest.
  • Emails that remind a customer that they have items on hold in their shopping cart.
  • Limited time promotion emails.
  • Receipt or confirmation emails.
  • Follow-up emails after a sale.
  • Emails that request a review or testimonial.

Any of these emails are an effective way to engage your customers, gain their attention, and boost the awareness of your brand. However, it is wise to choose carefully to ensure you are not sending a welcome email to a long time client, or offering promotions that have already expired. When you utilize your email list effectively, you can easily evaluate what it is that interests each one of your clients.

Lead Generation Strategies

When you focus on Lead Generation strategies, you can build a client list that is far greater than simply sending emails. However, when you consider email marketing combined with lead Generation strategies you find a great business plan that will help you spread awareness of your brand, the products you offer, and the satisfied customers you are already in business with.

It is important to pay attention to what is effective and what is ineffective to ensure you are not wasting your time and efforts. When you find a method that works for your company, it is pertinent to have a back-up plan. This is because, in all honesty, everything is constantly changing in the world of products and brands.

Why Building Targeted Email List is Essential

If you do not have an email list that allows you to engage your customers, then it is important to consider a method that will allow you to generate leads that will eventually become your email list. According to the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing on average sees a 4300 percent return on investment (ROI) for businesses in the USA. (Source)

  • Email is Personal – Email is the opportunity to land into a user’s inbox. There is no ranking system to limit your reach. Also, it is very direct and personal. 
  • Email is Targeted – Since you know what your targeted users like, you can deliver them highly relevant offers to get results. This is known as segmentation.
  • Email is One-On-One – People read email in their privacy of their inbox. The message is not displayed on the public timeline or newsfeed. The users also have the chance to ask questions directly in private with confidence. 

It is undeniable that email marketing has helped many businesses generate leads and increase sales; however, it is still very important to network offline as well. This means you will need to attend events that are relevant to your brand, talk to strangers about your business, and reach out to other businesses that may be interested in advertising for your company. This method will require a little more effort; although, it is very effective to boost awareness in regards to your brand or the products you offer.

Plan your Strategy

Regardless if you decide to spend more of your time networking in person or through email, it is necessary to build a marketing plan and stick to it. If you plan on cold calling potential clients, then it is wise to familiarize yourself with whom you will be speaking to. This will allow you to speak of topics that interest your potential client, and your chances of adding them to your list of customers greatly increase. To ensure you keep your existing clients coming back while adding new ones in the list, it is pertinent to create offers that are hard to refuse.